For some time now, I have been fascinated with how our brain works. That is probably what led me first …
Our mindset is a make or break factor for how our lives turn out. The good thing is that it’s also quite a malleable factor. Learn all about how to tame this aspect and make it a positive presence in your life.
The Complete Guide to Echo Chambers
Do you remember traveling to the hills for a vacation, going to a viewpoint surrounded by valleys and shouting your …
5 Reasons Why You Must Travel
Today traveling is something that most of my peers love to do and are constantly planning for. However, I have …
Hardball For Women – Dr. Pat Heim & Susan K. Golton
I am a feminist and proudly so. Growing up in a female majority family (my Dad had to contend with …
Start With Why
As children, we all had the bug of inquisitiveness in us. Most of us remember times when we ended up …
5 Reasons to Avoid the Trap of Instant Gratification
Just yesterday, I heard an ad on the radio from a leading Indian private bank. The gist of the ad …
5 Tips on Anger Management
Since the time I have been blogging, a lot of personal situations suddenly seem ripe for sharing. Either I am …
Why You Should Never Say Never
Today after a long time, I realized I wanted to share a personal post with my readers. A post that …
How To Reduce Your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)?
Ah, FinCon! For the last three weeks now, it has been quite painful for me to log on to Twitter. …
Principles – Ray Dalio
I had been hearing a lot of good things about a new book called Principles by Ray Dalio. When I …