Let me start this post using the five most commonly used words these days – we are witnessing unprecedented times. …
Our mindset is a make or break factor for how our lives turn out. The good thing is that it’s also quite a malleable factor. Learn all about how to tame this aspect and make it a positive presence in your life.
The Complete Guide to Optimism
Being a history student, I have often read in-depth (or so I thought) about previous difficult, trying times in human …
The Value of Gratitude in Our Lives
Today, let’s start this post with an activity of imagination. Let’s say you start your day with stubbing your toe …
A Guide to Failure
Did the title of the post make you curious? I mean, who guides you to failure, right? Initially, I had …
32 Movie Dialogues for 32 Years
So, I turn 32 today! It’s one of those rare birthdays that I am getting to celebrate with my entire …
What Does Success Mean To You?
One of the things I constantly struggle with is arriving at Inbox Zero while not missing out on any of …
Grit – Angela Duckworth
I have often mentioned how podcasts are a medium I love to listen in to interesting conversations, to get food …
The Value of Thinking in Shades of Grey
There was a time when “shades of grey” was an innocent enough phrase. Now with E.L. James and her bestselling …
Behave – Robert Sapolsky
There was a time, a short time when I had forgotten the joy I derive from reading and did not …
What is Your Identity?
Off late I have been fascinated with getting a basic or nascent understanding of varied fields. I have started having …