I have been fortunate to have been spending some quality time with my six (or six and one quarter, as …
Emotional Money
Money is intrinsically related to our emotions. This can manifest in multiple ways, be it money blocks or even failure to meet goals. This category explores the emotional aspects of money
Why Women Don’t Negotiate Their Salary
It’s that time of the year again when the office is beset by rumors, whispers and overall a lot of …
7 Things I don’t Like Spending Money On
Since the time I have been in the personal finance blogosphere, one thing I have tried hard to adopt is …
Dating and Money
For a long time, I had been considering the idea of exploring the multiple facets of money in the life …
9 Money Lessons from a Cab Driver
I have realized that my writing process is one where I ruminate over a subject or a topic for quite …
Women’s Day Special – Change your story
“Do you wait for things to happen, or do you make them happen yourself? I believe in writing your own …
Womens’ Day Special – Why Women Must Manage Money
Women’s week has commenced. As a person, I have always found these “days” sort of ridiculous. My reasoning – so, …
Varied Colors of Money
This is the week in 2018, when we Indians will celebrate my second favorite festival, after Diwali. In 2 …
The Time For Financial Feminism Has Come
Since the time I defined a clear sharper focus area for Elementum Money, things are more sorted in my …
Book Club – Thinking Fast and Slow
Thinking fast and slow is a legendary book which explores the intersection between psychology and economics. You might be wondering, …